This is a guest post by author Nadine Escudero

Oils have many uses that go beyond the kitchen or cooking. For example, coconut oil (one of my favorite things to use) can be used as a substitute for lotion, moisturizer or hair conditioner. It can also fix squeaky hinges at home, make leathers look new again and help keep your pets healthy. You can use coconut oil just about anywhere or on anything.

Did you know that coconut oil can also be used for oral health? Yep, the process is called oil pulling. Oil pulling is an oral detoxification process that pulls bacteria and other toxins from the mouth and creates a clean antiseptic environment. It also aids the flow of dental liquid needed to fight cavities and diseases. Oil pulling is done simply by swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth, just like mouthwash, only for a little longer—about 10 to 20 minutes.

Studies conducted on oil pulling show positive results, such as a statistically significant reduction in gingivitis-induced plaque and the bacteria that causes tooth decay after only 10 days.

This method should not be considered a substitute for other oral health regimens, such as brushing and flossing, but an addition to them.

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Experts who’ve studied oil pulling only have good things to say about the method. The best is that it doesn’t just prevent tooth decay or get rid of bad breath but may help with other health problems too. Experts found out that oil pulling may be a powerful preventative measure that could reduce the need for surgery and medications and perhaps prevent a number of chronic illnesses.

Those who practice oil pulling say that it has helped improve their oral health and overall well-being. According to testimonials and experts, oil pulling helps improve skin conditions, eases headaches, lessens the effects of arthritis, balances hormones and cures liver problems.

Mikaku and Bodhi love coconuts

Mikaku and Bodhi love coconuts


This method originated in India and was used mainly in Ayurvedic Medicine, one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems. Ayurveda suggests oil gargling purifies the entire system. Ayurvedic practitioners believe that each section of the tongue is connected to different organs, such as kidneys, lungs and liver. Oil pulling is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy where oil is swished (kavala graha) or held (snigda gandoosha) in the mouth.

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Comparing the benefits and nutrients of oils that can be used for oil pulling, extra virgin coconut oil definitely stands out. Many experts and practitioners recommend it too.

Coconut oil is the best option for oil pulling because it contains Lauric acid and is a proven anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. Both traits are valuable for fighting gingivitis and other oral conditions.

Our favorite oil has also shown to do many things:

  • Balance hormones
  • Kill candida
  • Improve digestion
  • Moisturize skin
  • Reduce cellulite, wrinkles and age spots
  • Balance blood sugar
  • Improve energy
  • Prevent and improve Alzheimer’s
  • Increase HDL
  • Lower LDL Cholesterol
  • Burn fat

The nutrients and benefits we can get from coconut oil makes it a popular option for oil pulling.


Here are some oil pulling pointers for all those who would like to try this method for oral and systemic health.

  1. Do it in the morning before eating or drinking
  2. Use one or two teaspoons organic, unrefined extra virgin coconut oil
  3. If your coconut oil is solid, put it in the mouth and let it melt
  4. Swish coconut oil through your teeth and around the mouth for about five minutes, then eventually increase it up to twenty minutes
  5. After several minutes, the coconut oil in your mouth will thin out and the color will change to milky white as it mixes with the saliva
  6. DO NOT or at least, avoid swallowing the oil. As you swish it around, the oil will be loaded with bacteria pulled from your mouth, gums, and teeth
  7. Spit out the oil when finished
  8. Once done, rinse mouth thoroughly with a mixture of baking soda and warm water

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Author Bio:

Name: Nadine Escudero

Nadine is a wandering writer and blogger. She loves travelling and exploring new places, and finding hole-in-the-wall dining places. As a wannabe cook, she loves discovering new recipes and ingredients, like the versatile coconut oil (and yes, she uses it on just about anything and everything). On lazy days, Nadine is spending time at the beach with her fur-babies, Pepe and Pido.

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