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It’s approaching midway through 2018 already.. anyone feeling it is time to really quieten that monkey mind, kick back and relax? We get so bogged down in our lives full of constant demands, lists and non-stop busyness. Our 6 Days off the Grid retreat be emphasizing the significance of restorative Yoga to release any tension or stress. This will involve nourishing your mind and body by slowing it down allowing for deepened relaxation. One particular asana that will be focused on during the retreat is Balasana or Child’s Pose.

Child’s pose is well known for it’s ability to create peace for the body mind and spirit. Being a mild inversion it helps relax and calm unsettled thoughts. This is one of the reasons why it is such a universally appreciated asana for relieving stress, fatigue and anxiety.


The gentle and therapeutic posture passively stretches the low back and loosens the muscles on the front of the body. During practice of this pose you will experience easing of the organs whilst it compresses the abdomen which stimulates digestion and elimination. Balasana can also be performed using props such as a block or bolster to support the head and torso to help alleviate back and neck pain. We also love using yoga wheels for an extra stretch and release. You can see some top-rated yoga wheels here.

Our instructors will incorporate this restorative position into daily practice for complete rejuvenation and soothing of the mind, body and spirit.

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