Bali Ashtanga! Bali Ananda! Bali Bliss!

Bali Ashtanga! Bali Ananda! Bali Bliss!

Join us on a journey to one of the most blissful islands in the world, returning grounded, replenished and alive.

Become Your Best Self

In a world where achieving massive amounts of success and overworking ourselves seems to determine our self-worth, now is the time to debunk those concepts, get to the root of what makes us authentically happy and learn through the various components of yoga and meditation the life-long practice of becoming our best selves…by our own design.

  • July 22-29, 2018
  • US $1384-$3023
  • Yoga
  • Melanie Fawer


This year our Bali retreat falls during The Kites Festival.  The kite festival began as a farming and countryside festival to give thanks for a successful crop season — a colorful, heartfelt festival honoring Mother Earth!  Throughout July, you’ll witness giant, brightly colored kite-filled skies measuring as long as 32 feet long!

Ananda is the Sanskrit word for bliss or joy.  Say it aloud to yourself, a few times gently, and imagine yourself on a journey to one of the most blissful islands in the world, steeped in spiritual and healing rituals, soothing beaches, where new adventures await you daily.  Go home grounded, replenished and feeling the aliveness of a child!! 

There will be plenty of time as a group and on your own to nurture your soul, make new friendships, deepen your spiritual essence, learn about and experience a new culture, play and laugh!  Once more, you will have the opportunity of studying with one of the foremost yoga teachers of traditional Ashtanga yoga in the world and in the lineage of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.  It will be one of the BEST vacations of your lives spent at an oasis, the Bali Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.


Melanie Fawer is a uniquely qualified, traditional Ashtanga yoga teacher.  Her teaching emphasizes anatomical alignment for safety and longevity and her knowledge of bioenergetics and the chakra system allow for deeper emotional healing.

Certified in 2001, by the late Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Melanie studied with Jois from the age of 25 in 1994, until his death in 2009.  Through Jois and her time in India, her teaching is grounded in lineage (parampara), theory (svadhyaya) and practice (pratyaksha).  Upon Jois’ death, Melanie gravitated towards Anodea Judith and her teachings of the chakra system combined with psychology, bioenergetics and trance.  She is currently working towards Certification from Sacred Centers and holds a B.A. in Psychology from New York University.

Melanie’s studio is located in New Orleans, LA. which offers daily Mysore classes, meditation, annual retreats and Teacher Training courses.  She lives with her husband, their eight-year-old son, her mother-in-law, their dog, two cats and a bird.



Get to the root of what makes us authentically happy and learn through the various components of yoga and meditation the life-long practice of becoming our best selves…by our own design.
