Discovering Your Inner Radiance

Discovering Your Inner Radiance

From overwhelm to more zest and inner glow.

It’s time to put yourself first. Time to care for yourself, time to gather in all the energy you have expended on others and nourish yourself. Time to prioritise personal growth over stagnation.

A retreat is all about withdrawing from our everyday life, our roles as mother, worker, boss or partner. Instead we take out time to reconnect with ourselves.

This is a beautifully curated retreat for women who need a break from being everything to everybody else.

You may just need a friendly nudge to remind yourself to relax, drop the struggle and let yourself just be.

And just maybe we will challenge you a bit – after all doesn’t life begin at the end of your comfort zone?

But this is not a retreat looking for the blue bird of happiness or total transformation – it’s about dropping perfection, about realising that you are good enough already and that you truly rock being a fabulously imperfect woman.

We are fizzing with excitement to offer you some amazing tools to encourage more play and adventure sprinkled with blissful moments of deep rest and personal insight and fun all bundled up with kindness from two skillful and compassionate teachers with over 30 years collective teaching experience.

  • Oct 30 – Nov 05, 2020
  • US $2250 – $2750
  • Cheryl & Arvinderfee


Why did we choose Bali?

There is a saying in Bali: We have no art. We do everything as beautifully as possible.

We will sprinkle the creative magic of this incredible island throughout every moment of your retreat journey.

Bali lives up to its fabulous reputation with its diverse and stunning scenery, amazing food, and warm and friendly people.

It’s one of the few places where ancient cultures survive and are woven into the fabric of Balinese life. Creativity and spirituality is embedded in the everyday from the preparation of floral temple offerings, exquisitely delicious food, and all the wonderful arts and crafts. You’ll get a chance to take part in some of these rituals – and yes, a chance to shop too!

Beautiful Bali holds a special place in both our hearts for inspiring wonderful “aha” moments of deep joy and insight and for its part in giving us the keys to connecting deeply to an inner resource of strength. We look forward to assisting you in discovering your own “aha’s”.

We offer the chance for you to

  • Surrender your body and dive deep into feelings of oceanic peace in restorative yoga classes
  • Luxuriate in guilt free me time while you snuggle in a hammock reading a book, or take a mindful stroll through rice paddies.
  • Explore your femininity and sense of Joy as you dance like no-one is watching in a Shakti Dance class
  • Find an inner resource of unshakeable peace and equanimity in iRest® Yoga Nidra sessions.
  • Boost your sense of wonder and gratitude as you learn about Balinese culture through cookery, crafting, shopping, and having fun
  • The chance to be taken care of, to eat nourishing food, to not have to think or plan, to have hosts who will deeply listen and offer you their wholehearted presence.


Cheryl Farthing

My own personal growth has come from my health struggles.  A hit and run accident left me with chronic pain.  So I dived deeper into Iyengar yoga practices to heal. So impressed by the difference it made I trained to become a teacher. Now I work with many people who struggle physically from paraplegics to teens with scoliosis. I truly believe yoga is for everyone.

Previously, I had been a successful television producer. A massive life change came at 42 when I found out I was both pregnant and sick from a rare auto-immune condition. Desperate to make sense of this world I learnt Buddhist meditation to heal my spirit. Later I was drawn to the work of Richard Miller and become a certified iRest teacher and transformation coach.

My life has been a roller coaster and I am so keen to share practical magic tips and practices for everyday living that increase your vibrancy and resilience and take you to an indestructible place of incredible peace that shines through you despite all that life may throw at you.

I teach with humour, joy and a curiosity for what is possible. Along with a heart that is bursting with the compassion and wonder from from being deeply immersed in the spiritual teachings of Buddhism, and non-dual wisdom.

That’s what I want to share with you in Discover your Radiance


Arvinderfee Blankley

My love for Yoga began as a child with a book, it sparked a passion that continues to this day. I am a life-long learner of Yoga with a breadth of knowledge and practical experience of energy work through a rich background that includes Kundalini Yoga, Shakti Dance, Donna Farhi and Purna Yoga. My teaching is richly informed by my dance and biomechanics training along with reflexology and massage.

I have a special interest in supporting people with mental health problems gained by working with Mind (UK) teaching creative arts to support personal healing. When teaching my approach is to create a safe space where people can extend and challenge themselves within their own tolerances to gain a real sense of achievement, peace and resilience.

I’m naturally full of zip, with a wicked sense of humour, a lover of sports motorbikes, music and getting my groove on the dance floor too. My energy is infectious, but I balance this intensity with deeply restorative yoga work.

Over the last few years travelling and studying in Bali has been transformational for me and now it’s time to share this gift with you. My goal is for you to delight in the experience and unleash the power of Yoga to support your life.


Why we chose to work together
Soul sisters and friends, both on a spiritual path, we support each other on that journey. We have different and unique personalities but are brought together through many shared loves. Both of us are yoga studio owners and share a passion for the gift this practice brings to people. Each of us is an artist, lover of dance, music and good food.

We are New Zealanders living in Auckland, while we are now Kiwis we both grew up in Britain and share that heritage, sense of humour and a love of a good cuppa. We bring you a shared total of 50+ years of teaching experience from different pathways but the same goal of sharing practices that help to inspire peace and true understanding in ourselves and the wider world




If you are a lover of yoga, meditation, dance, travel, culture, wonderful food and lots of laughs – then YES this is the perfect trip for you.It’s time to put yourself first. Time to care for yourself, time to gather in all the energy you have expended on others and nourish yourself. Time to prioritise personal growth over stagnation.
