Extraordinary Existence

Extraordinary Existence

A week long immersion that will take you on an inner journey to touch your true nature and enjoy life with unrestrained delight. You’ll realign and deepen your relationship with yourself, your evolution, and the elemental life-forces, and create a profound shift in the way you view yourself and the world.

This retreat is about awakening greater joy and amplifying your energy so you can LIVE in a flow state, where you are so in tune with your body, your intuition and your direction, as you channel your energy to powerfully step into the next-level, super-abundant, heart-open, and deeply connected person you’re becoming.

You’ll be immersed in elemental wisdom, interactive transformation sessions, ecstatic embodiment practices, and local cultural adventures while you discover more about your own inner landscape, and what makes you come alive.

  • February 21 – February 27, 2023
  • US$2,600 – US$4,300
  • Sol Saint-Germaine


If you’re a leader and/or space holder for others, whether that’s your friends, family, clients… it’s time for you to sit back and receive. Your next level breakthrough will come from celebrating life in a new way, activating your higher level desires, connecting with people on a deeper level, working with the magic of life, and stepping into a new powerful way of enjoying your exquisite life.

And that begins with meeting yourself anew.

And while this is called a retreat – it’s anything but. This week-long experience will not have you tuning out and retreating from life but rather will have you engaging deeply with yourself, other participants and the local community in a way that opens your heart and expands your mind to a greater vision for your life.

You’ll be bursting with aha moments, laughing and having so much fun while you let go of the old ideas you have about yourself and about life that just simply don’t fit you anymore… and step into the next expanded vision you have for your life.

Transformation the fun and easy way.


Sol Saint-Germaine is an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist and Integrative Transformation Coach with a background in Kundalini Yoga, Bio-Energy Healing, and Somatic Sexology.

As a self-love advocate Sol hosts impactful experiences around the world + web, helping individuals understand their unique life lessons so they can feel confident, follow their soul calling, create deeply fulfilling, juicy relationships, and live an orgasmic existence.

“Because the world needs more people who are turned on by their lives.”

Mere words cannot truly describe the magic, the synchronicities and the connections that happen during transformational events, and I am totally stoked to be your guide in one of my favorite places in the world.

By saying yes to this journey, you are putting yourself in a beautiful position to have your life and work grow in beautiful ways, all in an environment that naturally draws you towards a deeper connection with yourself and our world.

This is an invitation to soul nourishment.

Will you join us?


Extraordinary Existence

A week long immersion that will take you on an inner journey to touch your true nature and enjoy life with unrestrained delight.
