Mind-Reset For Your Work-Life Balance

Mind-Reset For Your Work-Life Balance

In this seven-day retreat you will learn how to create a better balance between work and private life. There are four main pillars that throw us out of balance: our way of thinking, our diet and exercise, our work, and our relationships at work or at home. We will explore these four areas of life together, step by step, to gain clarity about what is the best balance for you.

  • 15th December ’23 – 7th January ’24
  • €2497 – €2997
  • Patrick Hanegraaf


Join Patrick & team at the award winning, Floating Leaf Luxury Eco-Retreat in Bali. This is a unique opportunity to take a step back from your busy life and focus on finding balance. Our Mind-Reset program is designed to help you improve your:

  • Physical health
  • Mindset
  • Business
  • Career
  • Relationships

Have you ever considered reorganizing your life to more balance?
Do your New Year’s resolutions disappear like melting snow?
Do you find yourself every year, lounging on the beach, resolving to get your life together to a more time, energy, or a better work-life balance?
Maybe you’ve thought of escaping the rat race but haven’t found the right way to do so.
Do these scenarios sound familiar to you?
Discovering More Work-Life Balance for now and the rest of your life.
Achieving balance in life requires focus and dedication. Our upcoming retreat will provide guidance on overcoming limiting beliefs, yoga, meditation, improving nutrition, strengthening relationships. Transform your business/workspace into a productivity heaven.
Achieving a healthy work-life balance brings new energy.
Join the rest club and take the first step towards a balanced life.
Patrick will guide you through personalized sessions tailored to your specific goals.


Mind-Reset for your Work-Life Balance by Patrick Hanegraaf.
He is a certified Mind Expert, DISC & 3D trainer.
He has an (online) coaching practice in Belgium.
Patrick developed the Mind-Reset program for your Body, Business and Relationships program. In this program you experience the changes on 4 levels. Spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and physically to build the right balance for your life.

People who work with Patrick say that Patrick gives from his heart. He dares to question things that you completely overlook, giving you a deeper insight about yourself. They experience more energy. This high energy creates the best ideas for working on yourself, your business, or relationships.

Patrick loves to inspire, transform, and help people grow in a world that is more in balance with yourself and those around you.

Be the influencer of your own brainpower and join the reset club.


Mind-Reset For Your Work-Life Balance

In this seven-day retreat you will learn how to create a better balance between work and private life. There are four main pillars that throw us out of balance: our way of thinking, our diet and exercise, our work, and our relationships at work or at home.
